View Time Card, Approve and Edit Shifts
Individual time cards allow you see view, edit and approve any of your employees shifts
These can be accessed through the time clock
Select the employee
You can use Change View to select the time card for the employee you'd like to view
Viewing and Acknowledging Notes:
This icon appears when an employee has left a note about a shift for the day. Clicking on the note will reveal the details:
You can then acknowledge the note by moving the slider to the right, which will cause it to turn green:
Note: Depending on your company settings, notes may need to be acknowledged before a time card can be set to approved
Adding a Shift:
To add a new shift for an employee, click
and choose "shift detail"
Then, enter the start and end times and click "add":
The time from this new detail will automatically be calculated into the hours for the day and week.
Editing a shift:
An employee's shift can be edited by highlighting the time you would like to adjust in the white space and changing it to the desired time:
The shift type can be changed by clicking the icon of the current type and selecting a new one from the drop down. This will also recalculate the time depending on type:
Shifts can also be deleted by clicking the red "X" next to them:
If your company tracks shift statuses, these can also be changed by clicking on them and selecting from the drop down:
Approving a Time Card
Once you have made all corrections to an employee's day, you can approve that day by clicking the slider to the right:
You can also choose to approve the entire week all at once: