How does the site work?
How does the site work?
This section contains preferences for each module to help you customize how you would like the site to work for you. It can be found under settings:
Each module of the website has its own custom settings:
- Can users edit their own absences?
- Can users view their own absences?
- In what time zone is your business located?
Counseling Reports
- Should users be able to see their own counseling reports?
- Allow the recipient to disagree with a counseling report?
- Allow a user to comment on the counseling report that they are the recipient of?
- Should counseling reports have a field to communicate to accounting that this counseling report impacts their pay?
- Should the author of the article be displayed?
- Output the sweet functionality?
Product Dating
- When making a label through public access (i.e. not logged in) should we require that the user enter their user name and password to make the label?
- Require users to track labels by location that they were made at?
- If a quiz is not all on one page, should we give feedback of right or wrong after each answer is submitted?
- When showing a user if they got an answer correct, should the correct answer be indicated?
- Request off and Availability Disclaimer
Time Clock
- When using your public key for clocking in, is the payroll pin required?
- Can all users see everyone who is working?
Time Off
For users that can input PTO Earnings, should we output the users birth date?
Can all users see everyone's approved time off?