Time Zones

Time Zone Management

Time zones for your employees can be set up company wide, by location, or by individual person. This is done through your company settings.

Go to settings under your username or picture:

Click on the time zone settings button:

Editing default time zone for your entire team:

Setting your company time zone will dictate the default time zone for all your users that you haven't made any further selection for that person or their location. This will include new users.

Set timezone by location:

Time zones can be set up by location. This will set that time zone for every user that has that location as their base assignment. This will include new users added to that location.This custom setting will not be affected by changing default time zone for the company.

Set timezone for an individual users:

Custom time zones can also be set up for individual users. This custom setting will not be affected by changing default time zone for the company or their location

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