1. Let's Get Started With Your Account
Welcome to
This is going to bee great!
Your free trial includes a complimentary one-on-one web conference training session with one of our specialists to help you setup your account or answer any questions you might have. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, you can schedule a date and time that fits in your schedule here.
This guide will get you headed in the right direction to customize your account to your exact needs:
Basic Setup:
- Set Your Timezone
- Turn on the Features you plan to use
- Add Locations
- Add Positions
- Add Users
- User Access
- User Permissions
- Setting User Notifications
Time Clock Setup:
- Can't find the time clock? Let's make sure its enabled
- Time Clock Settings
- Clocking In and Out
- Viewing Employee Time Cards
- Time Clock Restrictions
Time Off Setup:
- Can't find the time off? Let's make sure its enabled
- Create/Edit Time off Types
- Setup accrual schedule for employees to earn time off
- Manually adding time off for employees
- How an employee requests time off
- Approving a time off request
- Inserting a time off request for an employee
- View time off balances
Schedule Setup:
- Can't find the Employee Scheduling? Let's make sure its enabled
- Configure your schedule settings
- Who can create schedules?
- Create a schedule
- Add Shifts to the Marketplace